
Bachelor in Geomatics Engineering (BGE) Syllabus

Syllabus for Bachelor in Geomatics Engineering issued by Tribhuvan University, Institute of Engineering (IOE). The following BGE syllabus is according to new course which was updated in 2066. The course contents for Institute of Engineering (IOE) is effective for all affiliated Engineering Colleges and constituent Engineering Campuses in Nepal.

Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering (BME) Syllabus

The Institute of Engineering (IOE) is offering this course with the objective of producing high level technical manpower capable of undertaking works in the Mechanical Engineering field. The details of the course are as follows:

1.1 Title of the Course
Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering.
1.2 Duration of the Course
The total duration of the course is 4 years. Each year consists of two parts I and II, each part having a duration of 90 working days (15 weeks).
The course is divided into 8 parts. The first year courses include fundamental common subjects. The second and third year generally include specific courses of the related discipline. The final year include professional and application type courses.
The course structure attached in the later section of this book provides information about lecture, tutorial and practical hours per week, full marks and pass marks for internal assessment and final examination, and the duration of final examination of each subject.

Bachelor in Architecture (B.Arch) Syllabus

Bachelor in Architecture Syllabus according to new Course which is Updated in 2066, Course Contents for Institute of Engineering (IOE) including affiliated Engineering Colleges / Academic Institutions affiliated to Tribhuvan University (TU), Nepal.

1st Year / Part 2nd Year / Part 3rd Year / Part 4th Year / Part 5th Year / Part
1.1 Engineering Mathematics IApplied Mechanics

Basic Design I

Introduction to Architecture

Building Materials I

Drafting I

Free hand Sketching I

2.1 Design Studio IIITheory I

Building Materials II

Building Science II

Freehand Sketch II

Building Construction II

History of Western Architecture

Structures I

3.1 Design Studio VTheory III

Building Services II

Building Construction IV

History of Nepalese Architecture

Structure III

Survey II

4.1 Practicum 5.1 Design Studio VIIIBuilding Construction V

Construction Management


Directed Studies


Structure V

1.2 Engineering Mathematics IIDrafting II

Basic Design II

Free Hand Sketching I

Art and Graphics II

Building Construction I

Basic Skill Workshop

2.2 Design studio IVTheory II

Building Service I

Building Construction III

History of Eastern Architecture

Structure II

Survey I

3.2 Sociology/EconomicsDesign Studio VI

Working Drawings

History of Modern Architecture & Human Settlement Planning I (Urban)



4.2 Design Studio VIIBuilding Science III

Architecture Conservation

Human Settlement Planning II (Rural)

Computer Aided Design


Structure IV

Communications I

5.2 ThesisProfessional Practice