Computing Techniques for Geomatics Engineers [GE 551]
Lecture: 3 Hrs Year: II
Practical: 3 Hrs Part: II
Course objective:
On completion of this subject the student is expected to:
1. be aware of the range of tools available for creating computational solutions to Geomatics Engineering problems, and be able to evaluate and choose between alternative approaches
2. Demonstrate familiarity with the underlying theory behind a range of numerical algorithms used in Geomatic Engineering software packages
Course outline:
1. Review of [ 6 Hours]
1.1. Procedural programming and introduction to object-based programming using high level compiled and interpreted languages.
1.2. Binary and ASCII File I/O, use of function libraries and class libraries
1.3. Construction of simple classes
1.4. Inheritance and polymorphism.
1.5. Solutions of linear equations
1.5.1. System of linear equations
1.5.2. Banded matrices
1.5.3. Data storage and memory optimization
1.5.4. Conjugate gradient method
1.5.5. Fourier Integral
1.5.6. Discrete Fourier Transform
1.5.7. Fast Fourier Transform
2. Matrix operations in Geomatics Engineering Problems [ 8 Hours]
2.1. Solution of linear equations
2.2. Gaus method, The Gaus-Jordan method
2.3. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
2.4. Differentiation of matrices and quadratic forms
2.5. Exercises on Geomatics Engineering related problems.
3. Method of Least-square adjustment [ 12 Hours]
3.1. Fundamental conditions of least-squares
3.2. Least-square adjustment by the observation equation method
3.3. Matrix methods in least-squares adjustment
3.4. Matrix equations for precisions of adjusted quantities
3.5. Adjustment of Indirect observations
3.6. Adjustment of observations only
3.7. Linearization of nonlinear equations
4. Least-squares adjustment of [ 10 Hours]
4.1. Level nets,
4.2. Resection adjustment,
4.3. Intersection adjustment,
4.4. Traverse adjustment,
4.5. Trilateration adjustment,
4.6. Triangulation adjustment,
4.7. Combined triangulation and trilateration adjustment.
4.8. Least-squares adjustment of static differential GPS
5. Coordinate transformations [ 9 hrs]
5.1Two dimensional conformal coordinate transformation (Scale change, rotation, translation)
5.2Two dimensional affine coordinate transformation
5.3Three dimensional conformal coordinate transformation (Rotation, scaling and translation)
5.4. Matrix methods in coordinate transformation
Computer Lab:
Computer programming on
1. Matrix operations in Geomatics Problems:
a. Solution of linear equations
b. Gauss method, The Gauss-Jordan method
c. Eigen values and eigenvectors
d. Differentiation of matrices and quadratic forms
2. Least square adjustment:
a. Adjustment of Indirect observations
b. Adjustment of observations only
c. Linearization of nonlinear equations
3. Adjustment of various survey problems by least square estimation:
a. Adjustment of level nets
b. Traverse adjustment
c. Intersection and resection adjustment
d. Triangulation and trilateration adjustment
Two dimensional and three dimensional coordinate transformations (Scale change, rotation, translation).
1. Robert Lafore, “Object Oriented Programming in C++”, 4th Edition 2002, Sams Publication
2. Daya Sagar Baral and Diwakar Baral, “The Secrets of Object Oriented Programming in C++”, 1st Edition 2010, Bhundipuran Prakasan
3. Harvey M. Deitel and Paul J. Deitel, “C++ How to Program”, 3rd Edition 2001, Pearson Education Inc.
4. D. S. Malik, “C++ Programming”, 3rd Edition 2007, Thomson Course Technology
5. Adjustment of Observations by E.J. Krakiwsky and M.A. Abousalem
6. The methods of Least Squares by D. E. Wells, E. J. Krakiwsky, UNB Lecture notes 1971
7. Elementary Surveying by Paul R. Wolf and Russel C. Brinker
8. Elements of photogrammetry by Paul R. Wolf.
Evaluation scheme
The questions will cover all the chapter of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will beas indicated in the table below
Sn Chapter Hour Mark distribution 1
1, 3.1-3.3
There may be minor variation in marks distribution