Environment and Pollution Control [ME705]
Lectures |
: |
3 |
Year |
: IV |
Tutorial |
: |
1 |
Part |
: I |
Practical |
: |
3/2 |
Course Objectives
To make student able to understand sources, nature, and health effects of air pollutants and basic control strategies and equipment; fundamentals of water pollution; nature of sound and quantification, noise control strategies and solid waste, and basic strategies for proper handling of solid waste.
1. Air pollution |
(8 hours) |
1.1.Introduction to the different aspects of air pollution
1.2.Sources and effects of particulate and gaseous air pollutants
1.3.Photochemical reactions
1.4.Air pollution sampling and measurement
1.5.Measurement of Total suspended particulate, PM10 and PM 2.5
1.6.Industrial dust control methods and equipment
1.7.Selection of particulate control device
1.8.Air quality standards of Nepal
2. Metrological aspects of air pollution dispersion |
(6 hours) |
2.1.Temperature lapse rates, atmospheric stability and inversions
2.2.Dispersion of air pollutants
2.3.The Gaussian plume model
3. Indoor Air Quality |
(6 hours) |
3.1.Indoor Air Pollutants
3.2.Sources of Indoor Pollutants
3.3.Control strategies
3.4.Ventilation standards
3.5.Household smoke pollution and its effects to the residents
4. Water pollution |
(6 hours) |
4.1.Introduction to various aspects of water pollution and water quality standards
4.2.BOD, COD, Oxygen sag curve
4.3.Water quality standards of Nepal
4.4.Municipal waste water treatment systems
5. Solid waste |
(6 hours) |
5.1.Characteristics of solid waste
5.2.Overview of solid waste generation and management techniques
5.3.Hazardous wastes; definition and classification
5.4.Hazardous waste management techniques
6. Noise pollution |
(6 hours) |
6.1.Nature of sound
6.2.Human ear
6.3.Quantification of sound in terms of SPL and PWL
6.4.Typical noise levels at different places and effects of noise
6.5.Noise control methods
7. Global issues and responsible development practices |
(7 hours) |
7.1.Brief history of human civilization and development
7.2.Ozone depletion
7.3.Montreal protocol and controlling of CFC’s and HCFCs
7.4.Control of ozone depleting substances in Nepal
7.5.Causes and effects of greenhouse gases
7.6.Indigenous system of natural resource management-land, water, forest, air etc
7.7.Sustainability of eco systems and the need for responsible development practices.
7.8.Environmentally responsible construction
7.9.Education in Human Values (EHV)
7.10.Introduction to Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and carbon trading
1.Measurement of TSP by High Volume Sampler
2.Measurement of PM10
3.Measurement of particulate level in different rooms by low volume air sampler
4.Measurement of Noise levels at different surroundings
5.Study visits to municipal solid waste management stations
1.Mackenzie L. Davis & David A. Cornwell, “Introduction to Environmental Engineering”, McGraw Hill.
2.Gilbert M. Masters, Standford University, “Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science”, Printice Hall.
3.Stephan Konz, Kansas State University, “Work design”, Grid Publishing Inc., Colombus, Ohio
3.C. S. Rao, “Environmental Pollution Control Engineering”,New age International (P) Limited, Publishers, India.
Evaluation Scheme
There will be questions covering all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will be indicated in the table below:
Unit |
Chapter |
Topics |
Marks |
1 |
1 |
all |
16 |
2 |
2 & 3 |
all |
16 |
3 |
4 |
all |
16 |
4 |
5 & 6 |
all |
16 |
5 |
7 |
all |
16 |
Total |
80 |