Fundamentals of Civil Engineering
Lecture: 3 Year : II
Tutorial: 0 Part : I
Practical: 3
Course Objective:
1. Acquire knowledge in the basic civil engineering areas required for managing civil works
2. Acquire knowledge on the basic infrastructures and their element needed in the society
3. Gain knowledge on the computation of quantity and cost of basic infrastructure in the society
4. Gain knowledge on case study of repair and maintenance of infrastructures.
1. Building Technology: (10 hours)
1.1. Introduction – Building and its types
1.2. Functional aspect of building
1.3. Building and its components ( Foundation, DPC, floorings, doors and windows, Staircase, roofs, ceilings, plastering, pointing, painting works)
1.4. Setting out of foundation
1.5. Building plans and section.
2. Water supply and sanitary (8 hours)
2.1. Water supply system.
2.1.1. Quantity of water (Water demand, forecasting of population)
2.1.2. Quality of water (Impurities and living organism in water, Examination , quality standards)
2.1.3. Element of water supply system ( Intake, reservoir, distribution system, conveyance of water)
2.1.4. Survey and planning of water supply project
2.2. Sanitary system.
2.2.1. System of drainage, street drains, sewer and its shape and size
2.2.2. Sewer discharge calculation, self-cleaning velocity, setting out of sewer lines
2.2.3. House drainage- different plumbing system in the building, manholes, disposal of sewage, septic tanks and soak pits
2.2.4. Survey and planning of sanitary project
3. Transportation engineering: (8 hours)
3.1. Road and road structures (sub grade, grade (Soling), base surfacing)
3.2. Road types, road gradients, geometrics of roads
3.3. Cambers, and super elevation, road curve
3.4. Survey and planning of road project
4. Water resources engineering: (9 hours)
4.1. Hydrology and Irrigation
4.1.1 Hydrology and its scope, hydrological cycle, precipitation/evapotranspiration/infiltration/runoff, hydrograph analysis
4.1.2 Irrigation structures (Dams, channels, notches, weirs, aqueduct and siphons etc)
4.1.3 Gauging velocity and discharge measurement
4.1.4 Survey and planning of irrigation project
4.2 Hydropower
4.2.1 Introduction to hydropower (Source of energy, hydropower)
4.2.2 Classification of hydropower projects (runoff-river, storage type, basin diversion type, pumped storage type)
4.2.3 Hydropower planning(Hydropower development cycle, topographic survey & geotechnical investigation, hydrometerological &sedimentological investigation)
4.2.4 Reservoir &dams (reservoir:its site and storage capacity, Dam:its type and site selection)
4.2.5 Hydropower elements (headworks,settling basin, penstocks,spillway and gates, hydroelectric machine , powerhouse)
5. Quantity surveying (10 hours)
5.1. Introduction of quantity surveying(Estimating), different types of estimates
5.2. Method of building estimating (wall, doors & windows, roofs, partitions, ceiling)
5.3. Estimating of water supply & sanitary works
5.4. Estimating of road works (Earthworks, culvert, pavements)
5.5. Rate analysis and specifications
The following drawing and quantity surveying will be performed in this course. These are:
1. Building construction
1.1 Plans, elevation and section of a two &three room building
1.2 Trench plan, typical foundation sections
1.3 Detailing of floors, roofs and doors and windows
2. Water supply and sanitary engineering
2.1 small rural water supply system
2.2 Drawing of typical structures used in rural water supply scheme
2.3 Sizing and materials used in sewer drains
3. Transportation engineering
3.1 Typical drawing of road longitudinal and cross sections
3.2 Typical drawing of different types culvert and drainages
4. Water resource engineering
4.1 Hydrology and irrigation
4.1.1 Catchment area,rainfall , discharge of stream
4.1.2 Typical drawing of cross drainages, canals and headwork
4.2 Hydropower
4.2.1 Reservoir and dams
4.2.2 Typical structures of hydropower headwork, settling basin and penstocks
5. Quantity surveying
5.1 Types of estimate
5.2 Preliminary estimate
5.3 Rate analysis of main items
5.4 Detailed estimate of one room building
1. M.M. Goyal (2004), Hand book of building construction, Amrindrea Consultancy, Faridabad, India
2. P.J.R. Reddy (2004), A text book of hydrology, Laxmi publications
3. K.N. Dulal, S, Baral (2012) Engineering hydrology, Apex Educational Academy
4. H.K. Borrows, Water power engineering, New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill
5. S. Baral (2013), fundamental of Hydropower engineering, Engineering and Education Services, Kathmandu
6. B.N.Dutta (2006), Estimatingand costing
7. Khanna& Justo (2004) Highway engineering
Evaluation Scheme:
The question will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will be as indicated in the table below:
Unit |
Chapters |
Hours |
Marks distribution* |
1 |
1 |
10 |
16 |
2 |
2 |
8 |
16 |
3 |
3 |
8 |
16 |
4 |
4 |
9 |
16 |
5 |
5 |
10 |
16 |
Total |
45 |
80 |
*There may be minor deviation in marks distribution.