Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems [GE 553]
Lecture : 3 Year : II
Tutorial : 0 Part : II
Practical : 3
Course objective:
The course introduces principles, concepts and applications of Geographic Information systems (GIS): a dicision supports tool for planners and managers of sptial information. Database development, manipulation and spatial analysis techniques for information generation will be taught. Students will have the scope of using GIS for application in their related fields such as natural resource management, environment, civil engineering, agriculture, information system etc will be discussed through mini project and laboratory exercise.
Course outline:
1.0 Introduction and Overview of GIS and Software: 4 Hrs (4hours)
Definition of a GIS features and functions; why GIS is important ; how GIS is applied; GIS as an information system; GIS and cartography; contributing and allied disciplines; GIS data feeds; historical development of GIS Introduction, Importance of Numerical Methods
2.0 GIS and Map (4 hours)
Map projections and Coordinate system; Maps and their charecterristics (Selection abstraction, Scale etc) automated cartography versusGIS; map projections; coordinate systems; Go-referencing, precision and error
3.0 Spatial data Modals: (4 hours)
Concept of data model; raster data modal; compression; indexing and hierarchical data structures; vector data model; tology; TIN data model
4.0 Data sources: (4 hours)
Data input and Data Quality; Major data feeds to GIS and their characteristics; maps, GPS, images, databases; commertial data; locating and evaluating data; data formats; data quality; metadata
5.1 Database concept: (4 hours)
Database concepts and components; flat files; relational database systems; data modeling; views of the database; normalization; database and GIS.
6.0 Spatial analysis: (14 hours)
6.1 Vector based analysis:
Data management functions; Data analysis functions, Measurement function, selection, Vector Overlay functions
6.2 Raster based analysis:
Spatial interpolation methods; raster analysis including topological overlay; Map calculations; statistics; integrated spatial analysis, seek computations, spread computations, classification function, reclassification,
7.0 Surface modeling: (4 hours) (999 (4 hours)
DEM; Slope;Aspect;other raster functions
8.0 Hydrology Modeling: (4 hours)
Flow direction; flow accumulation; river network; and watershed boundary delination
9.0 Making maps: (3hours)
Map function in GIs map design; map elements; choosing a map type; Exporting map in different format printing a map
1.0 Spatial data base development 3 hrs
2.0 Linking non spatial and spatial database 3 hrs
3.0 Projection 3 hrs
4.0 Database creating editing and updating 5hrs
5.0 Vector analysis 6 hrs
6.0 Raster analysis 6 hrs
7.0 Hydrological analysis 4 hrs
8.0 Map layout 2 hrs
9.0 Mini-project for GIS application 6 hrs
1.0 Ragunath Jha(2000) : Course manual for GIS, IOE,water ResourcesEngineering.
2.0 P.A. Burrough and R.A. McDonnell (1998) : principles of Geographical Information systems. Oxford University press.
3.0 J. Star and J. Estes(1990) : Geographic Information systems; An introduction: prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs N.J.
4.0 J. Lee, D.W.S. Wong (2002): statistical analysis with Arc View GIS: John wiley and Sons, Inc. New York.
5.0 Davide J Maguire, Michael Goodchild and David W RHIND, 1999, Geographical Information systems Vol ! : Principles , Longman Scientific Technical.
6.0 Laura Lang, 2000, Managing Natural Resourceswith GIS, ESRI, Redlands, CA
Evaluation scheme:
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will be as indicated in the table below
Chapters |
Hours |
Marks distribution* |
1,2 |
8 |
16 |
3, 4 |
8 |
16 |
5, 6.1 |
11 |
16 |
6.2, 9 |
10 |
16 |
7,8 |
8 |
16 |
Total |
45 |
80 |
* There may be a minor deviation in the marks distribution