Project I & II ME

Consultation: 3/6

Year: IV

Part : I/ II

Course Objective:

To plan and complete an individual mechanical engineering design project under the supervision of a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. To prepare written report and give oral examination.

General Procedures:

The project course will involve working on a design project under the supervision of a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The subject of the project should be as relevant as possible to the local industrial environment and may be selected in consultation with an industrial firm or government departments. The students are advised to select the project topic at the beginning of the term (Part of the fourth year). The consultation hour of Supervisor will be three hours in the part and Six hours in the Part II of the fourth year.

Course Requirements:

1.A detailed project proposal is to be submitted to the HOD within two weeks of the start of the term. The HOD and supervisor will decide whether the project is accepted or not. An oral presentation (10 minutes plus 10 minutes for question) will take place at a convenient time of supervisor and evaluation committee. The written proposal and oral reports will account for 5 marks.

2.A written mid-term progress report is to be submitted 2-3 weeks before the end of the term (Part A of the fourth year). An oral presentation (15 minutes plus 15 minutes for question) will take place at a convenient time of supervisor and evaluation committee. Themid-term written and oral reports will account for 25 marks.

3.A final written report (in the provided format by department) will be submitted before the end of 12′ week of the term (4″ year, Part II). This report will be evaluated by the supervisor, members of examination committee and external examiner. This will account for 50 marks.

4.An oral examination of the final report will be conducted during the 15 week of the term (4th year, Part II) at a time convenient to the examination committee, supervisor and the student. The final oral examination will account for 50 marks